soft hands.

boyfriend of the day

I heard this song lyric the other day and guess which just-opted-out 3rd baseman it reminded me of:

“Baby I got my facts learned real good right now. You better get it straight darling. Poor man wanna be rich, rich man wanna be king, and a king ain't satisfied till he rules everything. I wanna go out tonight, I wanna find out what I got.”

That’s from “Badlands” by Bruce Springsteen.

I’m in a big Springsteen kick right now just like everyone else. The new album is terrific. I saw one of the shows at the Meadowlands last month. I even went last weekend to see a terrific Bruce tribute band called Tramps Like Us. Not just a knockoff band, these guys are good. Check ‘em out at www.trampslikeus.com.

Maybe I’ve been spending a little too much time thinking about A-Rod when I get reminded of him listening to a Springsteen song. Anyway, it’s getting late and I have to run…because the night belongs to…oh, never mind. [sweeny murti]
11:44 PM :: ::
  • When Alex re-signs with the Yankees, Sweeny can cue up "Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J." and listen to these lyrics:

    I came for you, for you, I came for you...

    By Blogger Rich, at 3:37 AM   <$BlogItemControl$>
  • Sorry Rich, I think when Boras asked A-Rod if he wanted to stay in New York, the conversation went something like this:

    Alex: "Baby this town rips the bones from your back. It's a death trap, its a suicide rap. I gotta get out while I'm young."
    Boras: "Together, we could break this trap. We'll run till we drop, baby well never go back. Will you walk with me out on the wire?"

    By Blogger Mr. Faded Glory, at 2:46 PM   <$BlogItemControl$>
  • Followed by "It's a town full of losers, I'm pullin' outta here to wiiiiiiin"?


    By Blogger Karen, at 9:37 PM   <$BlogItemControl$>
  • Well played by both of you.

    Seriously, I can't remember being so wrong about someone. A-Rod had me fooled.

    Why he can't understand how cool it would be to finish his career as a Yankee is beyond me.

    I don't know if I would have lived long enough to see it, but I thought A-Rod would have enjoyed humming these lyrics at Old Timers' Day games at Yankee Stadium as an old man:

    Glory days well they'll pass you by
    Glory days in the wink of a young girl's eye
    Glory days, glory days

    Guess not.

    By Blogger Rich, at 12:28 AM   <$BlogItemControl$>
  • Things may be looking up...

    Boras may be getting a Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out.

    By Blogger Rich, at 4:04 PM   <$BlogItemControl$>
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