quote of the morning
"the whole "murderers row and cano" thing would totally piss me off if I were Robbie. I'd be all "HOW IS A 525 SLG (2ND ON THE TEAM ONLY TO GIAMBI [QUAL]) AND AN 890 OPS (GOOD FOR 4TH ON THE TEAM [QUAL]) NOT MURDEROUS YOU ASSHOLES" -- the madly blogging junehLabels: quote of
8:47 AM :: ::
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lupe! :: permalink
just because it kinda rhymes. "Murderer's Row and Melky" doesn't sound as good
By Mr. Faded Glory, at 10:02 AM <$BlogItemControl$>
either way, Leyland is still my fav postseason manager. his pregame interview was awesome -
figured it was like a spahn and sian then pray for rain type thing but june's so cute when she's mad
By lupe!, at 12:03 PM <$BlogItemControl$> -
doh, sain
By lupe!, at 12:03 PM <$BlogItemControl$> -
I actually gave a much more relevant and in depth answer on juney's blog and someday it will probably show up there :D
By Mr. Faded Glory, at 12:39 PM <$BlogItemControl$> -
Miss you!
By , at 12:53 PM <$BlogItemControl$>
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