soft hands.

dear lisa olson: write more often

from today's daily news:

This loss offered additional proof that these Yankees cause more head-scratching than the nastiest bout of lice. Maybe they'll find a pulse when the Red Sox bus pulls up River Ave. today for a weekend series that could very well determine the AL East landscape. Or maybe the Yankees will add another layer to the coats of perplexity that have thus far defined them.

"They're a completely different team (than Tampa Bay)," Jeter said of the Red Sox, as if Boston would bring some sense of normalcy to this confounding season.

These Yankees strut around in T-shirts that say "Grind It" on the front, while the back says, "There is no trying. There is only doing or not doing." To which a good editor would reply: Show me, don't tell me.

and later:

Nobody remembered to ask Torre if the Yankees would bunt on Curt Schilling, tomorrow's starter.

like anyone even has to ask? he wouldn't do it the first and most crucial time, i highly doubt he's going to do it now.


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