soft hands.

saw this series of photos well before they started to make their way around the interweb and was initially tempted to post the link here, but (even though they're nowhere near earthshatteringly racy, or anything) for whatever reason thought better of it. now that they're out there, what the hell: moose acting like a normal baseball player, go figure.

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7:11 PM :: ::
  • omg shannon... a moniker is born

    the moose
    is on the loose

    beware: loose moose

    we reserve the right to refuse service to loose moose

    By Blogger June, at 11:34 AM   <$BlogItemControl$>
  • Even when Moose is being a man ho, he still dresses like a dork. I find that oddly comforting.

    By Blogger Karen, at 11:54 AM   <$BlogItemControl$>
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