soft hands.

gary being gary!

"...ain't going to say who [the real leader of the yankees] is, but I know who it is. I know who the team feeds off. I know who the opposing team comes in knowing they have to defend to stop the Yankees." -- gary sheffield

mo! did i guess right? do i win?

and about the media portraying only jeter and arod in a positive light... i agree 654 percent with him about jeter, but he can't be reading the same articles on arod i've been reading because the new york media's done little else but piss and moan about alex rodriguez since he got here. maybe a nice piece here and there when he does something they can't ignore, but overall, utter quiet unless it's to bitch about unclutchness, true yankee-ness, or his contract.

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11:07 AM :: ::
  • uhhhh.... honestly, mo was my first thought too... but then a friend convinced me that he was probably talking about himself.

    By Blogger June, at 12:03 AM   <$BlogItemControl$>
  • i'm sure in his mind he's the yankees real leader. fool!

    By Blogger lupe!, at 10:58 PM   <$BlogItemControl$>
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