soft hands.

Baseball Knowledge Will Not Help You Pick Up Girls

Can you believe this house? Two fully stocked bars and completely free alcohol! If David Wells lived here, he'd have 10 more perfect games! What's that? David Wells? He's a pitcher. Your boyfriend hates baseball? He must hate America, too.

I would trade Albert Pujols and Vladimir Guerrero for a date with you. Why are you laughing? That's a combined 70 home runs a year! [mcsweeney's]
7:28 AM :: ::
  • I'm e-/trash-talkin buddies with Rick. He's my hero.

    did you see the "embarrassing things that might happen to you when you use a lightsaber" article?

    "You've given in to the Dark Side of the Force, so the beam is normally red. But you forget to replace the weak batteries in the thing, rendering it pink, and turning you into the laughingstock of the Empire." BWA

    By Blogger June, at 11:51 AM   <$BlogItemControl$>
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