soft hands.

it's nice to get it in writing

from a klapisch interview at metsgeek:

MetsGeek.com: Following in the same vein of the original question, have you yourself ever been asked how the Mets fan base might react to certain moves prior to them happening by people associated with the Mets front office?

Bob Klapisch: No, they’ve never polled me. They’re not quite as open about it as that, but I know that they read every single word that’s written, not to say that other teams don’t. But the Yankees, by comparison, are aware of who criticizes them and who’s on their side but they certainly don’t criticize writers the next day or go after writers asking “How could you write that?” and I can’t say there are any real grudges there, with the exception of Mike Lupica . The Yankees hierarchy hates Mike Lupica because he’s so anti-Yankee, but I’d say that’s a singular case. But Met ownership seems to be very aware the next day when you’ve written something critical of them, you just get the sense that they know exactly what’s been in the newspapers and what hasn’t been. But I would not go as far to say as they ask for writer’s opinions before they make a move, I wouldn’t say that. But they are very hypersensitive to how those moves play the next day.
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