the randy johnson question.
i'm nothing but conflicted over it.
dominant. then there's the mullet, then there's that knee. but i don't want anyone else to have him, even though i know he can be got to. then again this rotation as is has the potential to be incredible, still, all it is is potential, unfulfilled potential. if they get healthy, he undoubtedly joins the winners he wants to be among. but if they don't? if they continue to be inconsistent and injury plagued, he goes from being the only sure thing on one team to the only sure thing on another. but i don't want anyone else to have him. his age bothers me. if only this team could get younger. whatever prospects they'd fork over, are they legit or products of the hype factory? what if he comes east and struggles? if he comes east and gets hurt? if he comes east, and they don't win the world series, again, or if they don't even make the playoffs? i'm numb to the high payroll/buying championships/evil empire garbage, still, will some part of me finally think, enough is enough [snort. alright, so that one's a stretch] ? but i don't want anyone else to have him.