meanwhile, across town...
the hell are the mets doing, shipping off their top two pitching prospects for an underacheiver and a... a devil ray not named tino?
this isn't to say that these guys have no talent. i've certainly seen enough of zambrano to know that he can be nasty. but the control.... maybe mr magic rick peterson sees something fixable. i'm just kind of scratching my head. i mean, it helps them now. anything has to be better than scott erickson and matt ginter and whoever else they were throwing out there. and they're young enough to be part of the rotation for awhile. but i'm still scratching my head.
the biggest winners in all this, i'm sure, are the mets wives, who will no doubt have their hands full with the, errr, vivacious anna benson and her giant.... forehead. yeah, forehead.
10:53 AM :: ::
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To say nothing of the imaginary wives
By June, at 12:10 AM <$BlogItemControl$>
sorry, couldn't resist
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